- corr
- сокр. от corrected исправленный
Англо-русский словарь по рекламе . 2014.
Англо-русский словарь по рекламе . 2014.
Corr — may refer to: Andrea Corr (born 1974), Irish musician and actress Barry Corr (born 1985), Irish footballer Barry John Corr (born 1981), Scottish footballer Bill Corr, American government official Caroline Corr (born 1973), Irish musician Cathal… … Wikipedia
Corr — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Abdoulie Corr (* 1982), gambischer Fußballspieler Andrea Corr (* 1974), irische Sängerin Edwin G. Corr (* 1934), US amerikanischer Botschafter Ida Corr (* 1977), dänische Sängerin Karen Corr (* 1969),… … Deutsch Wikipedia
CORR — may refer to:* Championship Off Road Racing, American organization formed in 1998 * Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research , an American medical journal established in 1953 * The Corrs, Irish folk group formed in 1990 … Wikipedia
Corr. — Corr., bei Pflanzennamen Abkürzung für J. F. Correa de Serra, geb. 5. April 1751 zu Serpa in Portugal, Diplomat und Botaniker, Gesandter in Nordamerika, starb 11. Sept. 1823 in Caldas … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
corr — abbrev. 1. corrected 2. correction 3. correspondence 4. corresponding * * * … Universalium
corr — abbrev. 1. corrected 2. correction 3. correspondence 4. corresponding … English World dictionary
Corr — This interesting name, also found as (O)Corry, (Mac)Corry, (O)Corr and Curry, is of Irish origin and is the Anglicization of the Gaelic O Corra , which translates as the descendant of Corra (the O denoting son of), a personal name from corr , a… … Surnames reference
corr. — 1. correct. 2. corrected. 3. correction. 4. correspond. 5. correspondence. 6. correspondent. 7. corresponding. 8. corrupt. 9. corrupted. 10. corruption. * * * abbrev … Useful english dictionary
Corr. corr. imp. — Corr. corr. imp., Abkürzung für: Correctis corrigendis imprimatur (es möge gedruckt werden nach Verbesserung der Druckfehler) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
corr. corr. impr. — corr. corr. impr. 〈Buchw.; veraltet; Abk. für lat.〉 correctis corrigendis imprimatur: nach Erledigung der Korrekturen druckfertig … Universal-Lexikon
CoRR hypothesis — The CoRR hypothesis states that the location of genetic information in cytoplasmic organelles permits regulation of its expression by the reduction oxidation ( redox ) state of its gene products. CoRR is short for Co location for Redox Regulation … Wikipedia